Our visit to Chapel Hill was wonderful. I can honestly say it was the best trip I've ever made to that part of the state. Everything about it was great. My visit with Dr. Noble and the director of the Radiologic Science program was good and informative. I have no desire to go anywhere else for anything now. It definitely confirmed that I'm on the right path. I have a bit more work to do before I'm ready to enter the program but I'm well on my way and I have more done that I need to get done. So that's really exciting. I'm ready to move on and pursue this. I know Nate's so excited he can't stand it and he's ready to move 3 weeks ago. I'm not as eager as he is but I'm ready to get this going.
Now I'm off to talk to my sponser about my education plan and get it all approved that way everyone is on the same page. I just have to keep up my good grades and start a new network of friends and professional peers very, very soon. This should be good. Very, very good.