Tomorrow is going to be a very big day for my little family. I can't believe how quickly 4 years has gone by. Isaiah starts Kindergarten in 8 months so I want him to be academically and socially prepared for it when it gets here. He starts preschool tomorrow. I believe 3 days a week is a good start for him and it's going to be the best financially for us also. I'm not sure how Makenna is going to adjust with him being gone but I really do believe she will be okay. She has quite the imagination and can make up any kind of story and have parties with her "best friends" that no one else can see. She will do well with this, I'm sure. As for Isaiah, he already has a little friend, Caleb, in his class and they get along very well together and have known each other for nearly a year so that will help him. As for Mommy...well...it's difficult to see your little boy step out into a small world of his own. There are things that I'm happy about and things that I worry about. I'm happy that he is going to have time devoted to learning the basics of the academic world and I'm happy that he will have many little people to make friends with and he will learn different personalities. I'm worried about him being mistreated by other kids and him not knowing how to stand up for himself and just all the little things that there are to learn in life. Preschool is a place where little people get together and begin to learn life together. Even though it's just "preschool", it's still a very big step for such a little guy.
Another big step for us is that I start back to work tomorrow also. I'm still on light duty so I will begin a 40 hour week which will consist of Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. This is the first time I will ever work a schedule like this. It's going to be difficult for a couple reasons. I haven't been away from my kids for those kind of hours in quite awhile and I know we will all miss each other terribly but the up side to that is knowing it
will be healthy for us to have time apart and will make the time together more valuable. It may also be difficult on my body. I haven't been able to be very active without it resulting in a lot of pain in my neck which then results in a migraine. I will have to take it easy and listen to the clues that my body gives me on if I'm doing too much or not.Well, bring on the week!