Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's been a week now and I'm feeling better. I'm not where I want to be but I can manage to sit up for hours at a time and keep my eyes open the whole time. It's good to be feeling better and to sit in the floor with the kids. I've missed them. It hasn't helped that the kids both had an ear infection and had to go to the doctor while I was still stuck in bed. I'm kind of glad that we have all been down at the same time so that everyone can get the rest they need and kind of help each other as the day passes.
For some reason I wasn't told until sometime last week after the surgery that this is one of the toughest surgeries to recover from. I haven't had any others so I guess I'm glad to have it done and if I have another one some day  I can have hopes of it not being this rough.
One more follow-up visit next Monday with the doctor and then I'll be back to work Tuesday and things will hopefully resume to normal. Isaiah can get back to school on a good schedule as long as the snow holds off. I'm hoping Makenna will be able to get started back with dance soon too. I know she misses it.

On a different note, we may get to move soon. We will still be in Weaverville and we will still be paying the same amount but we will be renting to own and in 3 years the place will be ours if we choose to go through with it. Time will tell what's going to happen and I'm okay with it either way. I want something that can be "ours" but if this isn't it, I'm definitely willing to wait. I don't know all I need to know about it but I'm sure I'll know more soon.