I'm feeling rather stressed. I haven't been keeping up with school well because of the sickness I've had. All the throwing up and not being able to eat and being dehydrated and having to have 2,000 cc of IV fluid this week have really added up. I'm trying to be a good wife and mother but that's so hard when you can't get your own butt out of bed. I've missed all my classes this week because of being so sick. I have a make up test in math today and I don't feel ready for it at all. I was hoping to have until next Tuesday to do it but that didn't work out. I guess I should be most thankful that I at least get to do it and no get a ZERO on it. That would suck! So, I'll do my best and see what that gets me.
I'm ready to feel better. I wasn't this sick with either of my other pregnancies and I didn't expect it to get this bad. I just want to feel good so I can keep up with life again.
I won't be going to Thailand as originally planned, also because of this sickness. Maybe it's God's way of showing me it's best for me to stay home right now. I know this baby is more important than most things and I have to remember that. It's just sucking the life out of me. However, every time we get to see the little one in an ultrasound, it makes it all worth it to me. One day I'll get to hold the little booger and that will make it all even better.
I HAVE to keep my head up and keep myself going. It's all worth it. Every ounce of vomit. Every bit of lost energy. Everything. Maybe I'll feel better soon. Hopefully at least enough to be able to enjoy some amazing turkey dinners since we'll be in the country afterall :) Can't wait to see all of my family then too!