Saturday, May 14, 2011


I've figured it out! 

Bicycling is going to be my answer to fitness. I went about a mile a couple days ago and I went a mile and a half today and it wasn't that bad. These hills can get kind of tough but that's the joy of it. Up hill when I leave the house...down hill the last half mile back. I like that. It doesn't hurt my neck but it's an amazing lower body workout. My legs and butt will kill before long. Mwaahahahaha.
As far as upper body, I'm still working on figuring that part out. Abs? Ab Lounge!!! Got it at Habitat for Humanity for $15. Heck to the yeyah.
Maybe now I can shed this 20 lbs that I've put on since last summer and maybe I'll be able to fit back into a couple pair of jeans that aren't my friends right now :'(
I'm excited to have a good cardio program now as well as some good muscle building and toning.